
How to cope with stress after an earthquake

How to cope with stress after an earthquake

Earthquakes that cause destruction and loss of life lead to stress and mental health issues within the population. It is important to note that an earthquake and some rescue operations can not only cause new trauma, but also trigger existing psychological problems. As a result, this can lead to a personal crisis for survivors, intensified by collective experience of the tragedy.

According to clinical psychologists, an earthquake causes shock and disorientation among the population of the affected region. Panic originating in deep parts of the brain is accompanied by physical reactions:

  • sudden feeling of fear;
  • nausea and excessive sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat, tingling in the muscles of the whole body.

Reactions to the events can be very different, depending on individual personality and mental health.

Who is susceptible to panic during an earthquake?

Many people are susceptible to panic and psychological imbalance during an earthquake. There are many stories in the eyewitness accounts of earthquakes about people who tragically lost their lives, families who were forced to leave their homes, cries for help and searches for loved ones under the rubble. Such events are especially difficult for children, who often hide their distress, but may cope with the consequences of the disaster for a longer period than adults.

People differ in their physical and mental characteristics. Some of them, experiencing the aftermath of the earthquake, suffer from malaise, fever, and heart problems. Others are calmer and more resilient. Psychologists recommend that anyone who is able to immediately begin providing assistance and moral support to people, especially children who survived the earthquake and are prone to panic. Here are some ways to offer assistance and support:

  • Take your mind off the current situation for a while and focus on those who need help. This will not only help to stop the panic among the victims but also restore your own psychological balance;
  • Learn the best way to interact with children of different ages;
  • Avoid trying to immediately eliminate panic and stress. Instead, ask questions to understand how the survivors are feeling. Focus on active listening and empathy, rather than sharing your own feelings.

It’s important to remember that by helping other people avoid panic, you stabilize the overall mental state for the entire group of earthquake survivors. This will help make the right decisions until rescuers arrive.

Expert advice on stress management

How to survive an earthquake, maintain mental stability and help others properly? What to do if a panic attack strikes, and you’re alone with no one to help? Stress management psychologists recommend the following if you experience a panic attack after a disaster:

  • Assume the fetal position by lying on your side, curling up and tucking your knees and arms to your chest;
  • Practice deep abdominal breathing by actively emptying your chest of air. Focus on slow, even breaths, as this is the best way to reduce anxiety;
  • Control your breathing while accepting the current situation, and don’t let the events overwhelm you. This will help stop panic attacks and manage your emotional state.

If you have coped with your own stress and are ready to help other people who are in a panic, you need to be absolutely calm and courageous. Make sure that they breathe calmly, let them know that the disaster is over and they are safe.

It is recommended to avoid sudden actions with someone who is stressed after an earthquake, such as shaking them or trying to force them out of shock. Gently draw the person’s attention, encourage them to focus on their body, and wait for the crisis to pass. If breathing is unstable, put the person on their side, in the fetal position. Proper breathing helps stabilize the heartbeat and prevent heart attacks.

It is important to remember that even without obvious signs, a person can experience stress for another 3-4 weeks after an earthquake. To prevent further stress and maintain mental well-being, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Psychologists also claim that some survivors can to return to their regular routines independently. This suggests good health and resistance to negative psychological impacts.